Alive again
Object Orientation
Changing Lanes
Drop index needs a schema
It Took Them Long Enough
Feeling Bad for Forking
New Start
Why Duo Gets It Wrong
Macro of the Day - xcond
macro of the day- whichever
Lisp Again
Procrastination finally pays off
emacs as an operating system
web2py console
refactoring > rewriting
Paranoia, and Musings
gpg and me
Pipes and Sockets
Dear Newspapers
Reading is Fun-damental
Trailblazer part 1.5
Fiddling with Trailblazer
Reinventing the Wheel... again
Learning Clojure
Budget Woes
Capybara book
Disappointed for the first time
I Want Documentation
What Happened at WiredTree
Unable to mount windows partitions (USB)
Terminology, whoa!
Continuing struggles with bitrot
All the ways my secrets get commited
Bit Rot and Programming Books
Longest Man Pages
mysql deep dive, revisted
First Day
mysql deep dive
postfix half-configured
Moving Right Along
MySQL and Py3K Still a Problem
Templates and Me
Mistakes and Recovery
Rails Course
MySQL Certification
typos and sni
Moving DNS
Rails 4 in Action
Looking for work
Mail Overflow
Learning Ruby through Project Euler
PGP Update
Controlling the World Around Me
Second Test of new-post
testing the new-post function
Learning ruby and ruby on rails
Using mod_rewrite to map retina image requests to plain images
Generating lots of random passwords
Automated Publication
What I learned from ActiveRecord
What's really wrong with wp-cron
Essential SQL
What's wrong with CMS systems
Cups and Firewalld
ACLs in Linux
Picking a Date
Managing Users and Groups
Basic Virtual Machine Setup
Taking the Plunge
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